New Perspectives for Yerevan’s Circular Garden in View of the Environmental Transitional Challenges




Sustainable creative architecture, Meta-design, space-environmental interface, green in-between space, adaptive actions


Through the TACEESM research, a meta-design approach is focused on the factors influencing the "reasons and design forming factors of the project" for urban historical/contemporary urban heritages. The goal is to investigate the possibilities of working through mending and regenerative actions in view of the multiple environmental transitions and sustainable challenges. The methodological approach was assessed through a meta-design experimental workshop on Yerevan's Circular Garden. The approach integrates innovative scenarios, visions, and concepts in an inter-systemic method to rethink the urban habitat in an adaptive/co-evolutionary sense, re-establishing relationships, processes, and performances between nature and artefacts, as well as the psychological development level of current society. The experience showed the possibility of repositioning the green heritage design as a process of "mediance" through the techno-sphere, bio/physio-sphere, and anthropo-sphere to support multiple sustainable, alternative, and reversible projects. Considering the green heritage as a space-environmental interface system, it is possible to enable variable adaptative degrees to the different conditions generated from climatic, social, economic, health, and energy transitions.


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Author Biographies

Filippo Angelucci, G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Architecture (Italy, Chieti) - G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Professor of Environmental Technology and Design, Associate professor at the Department of Architecture

Armen Shatvoryan, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Architecture (RA, Yerevan) - National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Associate
Professor at the Chair of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment


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How to Cite

Angelucci, F., & Shatvoryan, A. (2024). New Perspectives for Yerevan’s Circular Garden in View of the Environmental Transitional Challenges. Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research, 7, 118–131.


