E - ISSN | : | 2738-2656 |
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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
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Manuscript must be submitted in English (3-15 pages, including Figures and Tables). |
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Information about the author/s - Name, Surname, Academic Degree, Rank (Country, City), Institution's name, Position at the corresponding department, ORCID iD, email address must be given for each author. Example is as follows: |
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Name, Surname, Doctor of Science (Engineering) (Italy, Milan) - Polytechnic University of Milan, Professor at the Chair of …., https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6591-7114, email address |
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Name, Surname, Doctor of Science (Architecture), Professor (RF, Moscow) - National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Head of the Department of …., https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6591-7114, email address |
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Name, Surname, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Architecture (RA, Yerevan) - National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Associate Professor at the Chair of......, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6591-7114, email address |
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Name, Surname, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering (Country, City) - Institution's name, Associate Professor at the Chair of …., https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6591-7114, email address |
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Name, Surname (Country, City) - Institution's name, lecturer at the Chair of …, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6591-7114, email address |
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Name, Surname (Country, City) - Institution's name, Director, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6591-7114, email address |
In the case of multiple authors, one should be designated as the corresponding author. Please mark the corresponding author with an asterisk (*). Example: Name, Surname* |
The manuscript should have the following structure:
It should briefly (no more than 10 words) and accurately reflect the subject of scientific research.
The title should reflect the uniqueness of the author's scientific work.
Must contain (up to 150 words) the following brief information about the submitted manuscript:
- description of the subject (object) of the study, the purpose and objectives, actuality, novelty, practical significance of the scientific research,
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Keywords are the way to search for a scientific manuscript, as in all international bibliographic databases manuscripts can be searched by keywords. In this regard, they should reflect the basic terminology of scientific research. It is necessary to include 3-8 keywords.
The objective of Introduction - overview of the current state of the observed issues in the manuscript, presentation of the scientific problem and its significance, the goal of the study. Introduction should contain information that will allow the reader to understand and evaluate the novelty and actuality of the research results presented in the manuscript. It should include an overview of modern scientific achievements on the subject area, research and results on which the work is based (Literature review). References must be numbered in order of appearance in the text (including citations in tables and legends) and listed individually at the end of the manuscript. In the text, reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ] and placed before the punctuation, for example [1], [2], [2,3], or [4–6]. See the end of the document for further details on references.
Materials and Methods
This section should clearly describe the methodology of the study.
Results and Discussion
In this part of the manuscript, a systematic authorial analytical and statistical material should be presented. The results of the study must be described so that the reader can trace its stages and assess the validity of the conclusions made by the author. The main purpose of this section is summarizing and clarifying data to prove the working hypothesis (hypotheses) through analysis. The results, if necessary, are confirmed by tables, graphs, figures, which represent the source material or evidence. It is desirable to compare the results presented in the manuscript with previous works in this area by both the author and other researchers. Such a comparison will additionally reveal the novelty of the work done, giving it objectivity.
The conclusion contains a brief description of the main ideas of the article and the results of the study. In this section, it is necessary to compare the results obtained with the goal indicated at the beginning of the work. In Conclusion, the results of comprehension of the topic are summarized, conclusions, generalizations are made, and recommendations arising from the work are given, their practical significance is emphasized. In the final part of the manuscript, it is desirable to include the prospects for the development of the research in this area.
Acknowledgments (if needed)
This section, we refer to those individuals who provided help during the research and those organizations that provide financial assistance.
Conflict of Interest
All authors should disclose any personal and/or financial relationships with others or organizations that may improperly influence their paper. A conflict-of-interest statement should be provided in the manuscript file immediately before the References section. Case there are no Conflicts of Interest, so report "The authors declare no conflicts of interest".
The names of the funding organizations should be written in full. If there was no financial aid, it should be reported that "This research did not receive any financial support".
It is not recommended to refer to Internet resources that do not contain scientific information, textbooks, training and methodological manuals, standards (the links to these sources should be indicated in footnotes).
It is known that the level of publication is determined by the completeness and representativeness of the sources, therefore, it is recommended to refer first to original sources from scientific journals included in the global citation indexes (Web of Science / Scopus). The sources should be relevant.
The sources included in the References should be compiled according to "Numbered style" standard of Elsevier scientific publishing company.
Examples of presenting sources included in the References:
- Book title that is not in Latin script in the original, must be transliterated (obligatory).
- The title of Journal article (as well as Conference Papers, theses, Patents, etc.) that is not in Latin script in the original, either can be presented in English if its translation in English is available on the official website, or must be transliterated.
- Please, include the digital object identifier (DOI) for all references where available.
Journal article
[1]. |
S. Tovmasyan, H. Zirakyan, Separate Principles of Spatial Planning in the Border Regions on the Example of Meghri Community. Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research, 3, 2022, 112-123. Doi: https://doi.org/10.54338/27382656-2022.3-014. |
[2]. |
K.S. Gyunashyan, R.R. Sinanyan, Ye.H. Hayrapetyan, Constant "K" of the CD-1200 Light Range Finder And the Results of Production Tests. Geodesy and Aerial Photography, 4, 1996, 136-143. |
[3]. |
J. van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A. Lupton, The Art of Writing a Scientific Article. J. Sci. Commun., 163 (3), 2000, 51-59. |
[4]. |
M.M. Badalyan, Cementless Concretes Based on Raw Materials from Buryatia. Bulletin of Builders of Armenia (special issue), 8, 1999, 8-9. |
[5]. |
T.V. Grunskoy, V.P. Perkhutkin, A.G. Berdnik, Analytical Review of Working Conditions of Underground Personnel in the Oil Mines of the Yaregskoe Field. Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, 16 (4), 2017, 378-390. |
[6]. |
E.A. Hayrapetyan, S.K. Petrosyan, V.G. Harutyunyan, A.A. Khachatryan, Vybor modulyatora sveta etalonnogo svetodal'nomera. Bulletin of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, 1, 2020, 50-57 (in Russian). |
[7]. |
V.D. Eryomin, Opredelenie chastot i form sobstvennykh kolebaniy obolochek neklassicheskoy formy. Scientific papers of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, 1, 2015, 94-100 (in Russian). |
In press
[1]. |
Determination of Frequencies and Modes of Natural Oscillations of the Shells of a Nonclassical Shape. Scientific papers of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, 2025 (in press). |
[1]. |
Z.A. Atsagortsyan, Natural Stone Materials of Armenia. Stroyizdat, Moscow, 1967. |
[2]. |
E.E.R. Mustel, V.N. Parygin, Methods of Modulation and Scanning of Light. Nedra, Moscow, 1970. |
[3]. |
W. Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of Style. Macmillan, New York, 1979. |
[4]. |
A.N. Zavarickiy, Igneous Rock. USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1960. |
[5]. |
A.L. Goldenveiser, Teoriya uprugikh tonkikh obolochek. Nauka, Moskow, 1976 (in Russian). |
[6]. |
L.V. Kantorovich, V.I. Krylov, Priblijionnye metody vysshego analisa. Fizmatgiz, Moscow, 1962 (in Russian). |
Book chapter
[1]. |
G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, How to Prepare an Electronic Version of Your Article, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age. E-Publishing Inc., New York, 1999, 281-304. |
Conference Paper
[1]. |
A.G. Beglaryan, K. S. Gyunashyan, Ye.H. Hayrapetyan, High Precision Light Range-Finder DVCD-1200 for Linear Comparator. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction, Beijing, China, Nov. 20-24, 2011, 5-8. |
[2]. |
V.M. Pankratov, A.I. Ivanov, A.F. Blinokhvatov, S.I. Baranovsky, Hydrochemical Characteristics of Lake Mokhovoe. Collection of Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Environmental Problems of the Legacy of the Cold War and Ways to Overcome Them", Penza, June 5-6, 2004. |
[3]. |
T.L. Dadayan, Kh.G. Vardanyan, The Decrease of Seismic Forces for Multistory Reinforce Concrete Shear Wall-Frame Buildings with Application of Seismic Isolation. Seismic Resistance and Rehabilitation of Buildings: International Conference Seismics, Tbilisi, Georgia, May 29-30, 2014, 12-18. |
Doctoral & PhD Thesis
[1]. |
D.Ye. Bondarev, Metod raschyota sejsmoizolirovannyh zdanij na rotacionnye vozdejstviya, vyzvannye zemletryaseniem: PhD thesis, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2019 (in Russian). |
[2]. |
D.Ye. Bondarev, Metod raschyota sejsmoizolirovannyh zdanij na rotacionnye vozdejstviya, vyzvannye zemletryaseniem: Doctoral thesis, Saint Petersburg, 2019 (in Russian). |
[1]. |
K.S. Gunashyan, E.A. Hayrapetyan, V.G. Harutyunyan, Kh.V. Vardanyan, Microwave modulator-light demodulator, RR patent 1420367 (1988). |
[2]. |
K.S. Gyunashyan, E.A. Hayrapetyan, Phase light range finder, RR Patent 1598613 (1990). |
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