Vernacular Architecture in Armenia, from Travelers' Accounts, in the Western Context, from the 17th Century to the Present Day


  • Suzanne Monnot National High School of Architecture of Lyon



travelers' accounts, popular constructions, architectural heritage, Armenian vernacular legacy, cultural landscape


The corpus of accounts by European travelers who visited Armenia (Fig. 1), extracted from A. Marouti's research, as well as various writings by authors - Armenian architects during the Russian then Soviet period - will serve as a starting point for this research. Its objective is to put two questions in parallel: what consideration of vernacular constructions as genuine architectures in Armenia; and how this interest is situated about these architectures in the West. Using the Timelines tool, a chronological comparison ("side by side" in French) allows us to identify Soghomon Vardanian as a precursor to the recognition of the vernacular.


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Author Biography

Suzanne Monnot, National High School of Architecture of Lyon

(France, Lyon) - National High School of Architecture of Lyon, Researcher at the “Environment, City, Society” Lyon Architecture Urbanism Research (EVS-LAURe) laboratory



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How to Cite

Monnot, S. (2022). Vernacular Architecture in Armenia, from Travelers’ Accounts, in the Western Context, from the 17th Century to the Present Day. Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research, 2, 59–70.


