Increasing the Efficiency of Fine-Grained Lightweight Concrete Using Complex Additives


  • Grigor Arakel Arakelyan CJSC "Effect Group"
  • Amalya Karapet Karapetyan National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia
  • Maria Martin Badalyan National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia
  • Anahit Arshak Ghahramanyan National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia
  • Evgeny Michael Makarov Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



high-strength fine-grained concrete, complex additive, pozzolanic activity, super plasticizer, filler grain size, intergranular void, mobility of concrete mix, structure formation, specific strength, physical and mechanical characteristics


This work aims to investigate the physical and mechanical characteristics of high-strength lightweight concrete components on the basis of local porous fillers and complex additives. It is theoretically substantiated and practically proven that with optimal amounts of the complex additives – micro silica and superplasticizer Melflux 5581F, it is possible to obtain concrete with a compressive strength of up to 62 MPa  and bending strength of 10.5 MPa, profitably using the microsilica pozzolanic activity and super plasticizer, which favorably changes the nature of porosity. Depending on the water/cement ratio, micro-and macro capillary pores of different origins, as well as other shape pores appear in the cement stone, which significantly affects the physical and mechanical characteristics of the concrete: strength, water absorption, water permeability, frost resistance, durability, etc.


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Author Biographies

Grigor Arakel Arakelyan, CJSC "Effect Group"

 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering (RA, Yerevan) – CJSC "Effect Group", Engineer-technologist

Amalya Karapet Karapetyan, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering (RA, Yerevan) – National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Associate Professor at the Chair of Production of Construction Materials, Items and Structures

Maria Martin Badalyan, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor (RA, Yerevan) - National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Head of the Chair of Production of Construction Materials, Items and Structures

Anahit Arshak Ghahramanyan, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Assistant at the Chair of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment,

Evgeny Michael Makarov, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering (RF, Moscow) -  Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Building Materials Science


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How to Cite

Arakelyan, G. A., Karapetyan, A. K., Badalyan, M. M., Ghahramanyan, A. A., & Makarov, E. M. (2022). Increasing the Efficiency of Fine-Grained Lightweight Concrete Using Complex Additives. Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research, 2, 3–8.




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