Monitoring of Weak and Moderate Earthquakes Using GNSS Technologies
Permanent reference stations, Permanent reference stations, GNSS technologies, deformation, geodynamics, earthquake, deformation, geodynamics, earthquakeAbstract
The geodetic monitoring results of the earthquake in the seismically active area at the Republic of Armenia using GNSS technologies are presented in this article. The necessity of using geodetic tools-equipment, in particular satellite technologies, in the process of seismic studies is substantiated, proving the fact of the validity and reliability of the data. The monitoring results of the horizontal-vertical shifts’ coordinates of the permanent reference stations affected by the earthquake in Armenia on February 13, 2021 at different time intervals (5 days before the earthquake, 2 hours and 10 minutes before and after, as well as at the moment of the earthquake) were analyzed and the graph analyzes were given.
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