Construction Features of The High-Precision Laser Rangefinder Light Modulator


  • Yegisabet Hakob Hayrapetyan National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan
  • Stepan Karen Petrosyan “VOLIOS” LLC Design Institute, Yerevan



Modulation power, modulator quality, longitudinal and transverse electro-optical effects, coaxial resonator


The issues related to the development of a light modulator operating on the electro-optical effect of laser rangefinders by the modulation method are considered. To reduce the modulation power, it is proposed to lower the modulation frequency to 750-800 MHz, while simultaneously increasing the modulation quality to Q = 1000. The study of the phase determination error of a high-precision laser rangefinder depending on temperature showed that it is rational to construct the light modulator by radial installation of the KDP electro-optical crystal, with separated modulation and demodulation channels, while on combined resonators.


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Author Biographies

Yegisabet Hakob Hayrapetyan, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan

doctor of philosophy (PhD) in engineering, associate professor (RA, Yerevan) - National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, senior scientist at the Problem Laboratory of Geodetic Measurements

Stepan Karen Petrosyan, “VOLIOS” LLC Design Institute, Yerevan

(RA, Yerevan) - “VOLIOS” LLC Design Institute, engineer


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How to Cite

Hayrapetyan, Y. H., & Petrosyan, S. K. (2021). Construction Features of The High-Precision Laser Rangefinder Light Modulator. Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research, 1(1), 26–31.


