Stiffness of Post-Tensioned Girderless Floor With Different Column Grids


  • Ashot George Tamrazyan Moscow  National Research "Moscow State University of Civil Engineering"
  • Tatiana Anatolу Matseevich National Research "Moscow State University of Civil Engineering"



reinforced concrete slab, stiffness, deflection, column grid, post-tension


The paper considers models of monolithic flat floor slabs with five spans in both directions. The cell sizes are 6×6m, 6×9m, and 6×12m. The calculation method is based on the application of temperature load and rope modeling of rod elements. It is shown that post-stressing should be used for slab side lengths over 7 m, as the installation of pre-stressed reinforcement for shorter lengths is less feasible and causes high economic costs.


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Author Biographies

Ashot George Tamrazyan, Moscow  National Research "Moscow State University of Civil Engineering"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Head of the department of Reinforced concrete and  masonry structures, Moscow  National Research "Moscow State University of Civil Engineering" (NRU MGSU), Moscow, Russia

Tatiana Anatolу Matseevich, National Research "Moscow State University of Civil Engineering"

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, National Research "Moscow State University of Civil Engineering" (NRU MGSU), Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Tamrazyan, A. . G., & Matseevich, T. A. (2021). Stiffness of Post-Tensioned Girderless Floor With Different Column Grids. Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research, 1(2), 56–61.


