A Typological Identification of the Large Housing Estates of 1950s in Oran. Exploring the Three - Dimensional Approach
large housing estates, typologies, three-dimensional, ethno-architectural, inhabitantAbstract
In Algeria, the city of Oran is home to around fifty large housing estates built in the 1950s-1962, designed according to ethnic diversity, amalgamated location between the city center and the surrounding suburbs accompanied by facilities with a metropolitan influence, also known as modern housing estates, witnessed a revolutionary trend never seen before in Algerian society in particular, living in shantytowns. However, they suffer fierce criticism associated with their monotony and similar design, leading to their stigmatization and marginalization. This article aims to identify typological diversity across three dimensions, architectural, urban and social, using ethno-architectural analysis, comparing inhabited surveys, semi-directive interviews and photographs to highlight the particularity and typological characteristics of a sample of large housing estates in Oran. The results obtained by this study reveal that the typologies vary according to the dimensional criteria raised, highlighting their diversity and richness.
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