Between Reasoning and Resonance Proposal of Intelligibility for Inhabiting the Crossroads of the Five Chinese Elements and the Five Platonic Solids




Cosmogeneses, platonic solids, Chinese agents, resonance, geometric organon, general systemology, architecture, structural dualism


This thesis explores the heuristic virtues of a correspondence hypothesis between two cosmogenesis, the Greek 5 Platonic solids and the Chinese 5 agents - wuxing. This research deploys its coherence by weaving transdisciplinary links, from works in Chinese medicine, polyhedral geometry, philosophy, mechanics of structures, and systemic - and by using different methodologies: translation, metaphor, mathematic isomorphism… Hypotheses follow one another: 1- clarify the classification 5 or 6 of the wuxing (Granet, Lavier); 2- develop the geometric organon (Serres); 3- identify the sphere as a matrix (Fuller); 4- deepen the structural dualism (Wester); 5 –recognize each of the cosmogonies as a general system (Bertalanffy, Rosen). By clearing a path between the epistemological regimes of the different disciplines, this work - if it sheds light on this mysterious Timaeus and explains the different systems of TCM - proposes more broadly, a new intelligibility of living in resonance with the world (Rosa).


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Author Biography

Serge Monnot, Université Lumière Lyon 2

École doctorale n° 483 Sciences sociales (France, Lyon) - Université Lumière Lyon 2, UMR 5600 Environnement Ville société – CNRS - Laboratoire EVS-LAURe


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How to Cite

Monnot, S. (2024). Between Reasoning and Resonance Proposal of Intelligibility for Inhabiting the Crossroads of the Five Chinese Elements and the Five Platonic Solids. Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research, 6, 56–70.


