Determining Military Resistance in the Republic of Armenia's Border Settlements Within Spatial Planning




Armenia, architecture, military resistance, passive defense, warfare, spatial planning


Due to the military operations conducted by the opponent during and after the 2020 Artsakh war, as well as potential future risks and threats, the Republic of Armenia faces the challenge of ensuring the secure livelihoods of border settlements and implementing programs aimed at territorial development. Therefore, raising the issues regarding the resistance of these settlements to possible military operations is of strategic importance and demands immediate attention.

The research examines normative and technical documents adopted from both international and local experiences to mitigate the impact of military attacks. It delves into the potential for reducing casualties and material damage by organizing the spatial environment of settlements. Furthermore, it emphasizes the necessity of defining new terminology and formulating key assessment criteria. The proposed solutions can be the basis for proposing a new scientific theory in architecture and contributing to the development of new resistance solutions in architecture along with military technologies.


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Author Biography

Anna Vardanyan, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

Postgraduate student (Architecture), RA, Yerevan) - National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Co-founder of Lazoor Architects LLC


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How to Cite

Vardanyan, A. (2024). Determining Military Resistance in the Republic of Armenia’s Border Settlements Within Spatial Planning. Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research, 6, 38–46.


