Scientific and Experimental Substantiation for the Production of Fireproof and Heat-Resistant Materials from Magnesia-Silicate Rocks




fireproof and heat-resistant concrete, ultrabasic magnesia-silicate rock, clinoenstatite, forsterite, forsterite concrete, phosphate binder, low-power technology


This article touches upon the technologies for fireproof and heat-resistant concrete production based on local raw materials: magnesia-silicate rock from the Sevan deposit, which can be used in thermal units to replace small-piece masonry bricks and figured elements. Raw materials were studied, the magnesia modulus was determined, chemical, radiographic, thermographic, and dilatometric analyses were carried out. To reduce volumetric shrinkage and porosity and convert clinoenstatite into forsterite, the rock was pre-baked in the presence of . The proposed technology is low-power and urgent, especially in the energy crisis. Based on the mentioned rocks, multifunctional, cost-effective, fireproof, and heat-resistant forsterite materials have been developed, compressive strength ranges from 40 ... 60 MPa, the melting point of 1600°C, and heat resistance - 5 thermal cycles.


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Author Biographies

Amalya Karapetyan, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering (RA, Yerevan) – National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Associate Professor at the Chair of Production of Construction Materials, Items and Structures

Maria Badalyan, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor (RA, Yerevan) - National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Head of the Chair of Production of Construction Materials, Items and Structures


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How to Cite

Karapetyan, A., & Badalyan, M. (2022). Scientific and Experimental Substantiation for the Production of Fireproof and Heat-Resistant Materials from Magnesia-Silicate Rocks . Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research, 3, 41–48.




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